My Uncle hears ringing sounds in his ears

My uncle is complaining of noise in the ear. Like he hears some ringing sounds. He doesn’t live in a noisy environment and the noise disturbs him even at night. He can’t sleep well.

I just want to know more about it. You know, to help or at least know more

He complains of noise in the ear

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Faithful

    I don’t really know much about this. But i experience it in my left ear. It’s called tinnitus.
    It’s a disturbance in the ear. It comes in form of ringing sound , whooshing, ringing.. basically, only the person hears it.
    I have tried researching for the cure. And it seems it cannot be cured. It can only be managed. Firstly, going to the ear doctor.

    But, I didn’t go to the doctor. I was quite curious to see if it could go on its own. I made more research and i found out that there are apps that can help one adapt to tinnitus. It has do with the frequency of tinnitus and some other things that’s not coming to my head😅… But, it’s best to visit a doctor.
    The ringing actually reduced. I still hear it but not as frequent as before. It doesn’t really disturb me as much.
    Cause i saw that one can also manage it by trying to adapt to it.
    I guess that also worked for me.

    1. imelzy

      Ringing sounds in the ear is called tinnitus, at times it’s loss of hearing can be temporary or permanent but either can be managed by his doctor. Caused often by loud noise, head trauma, cleaning the ear and bacteria gets to it. I advice he see a doctor

  2. imelzy

    Ringing in ear it called tinnitus, at times it’s loss of hearing can be temporary or permanent but either can be managed by his doctor. Caused often by loud noise, head trauma, cleaning the ear and bacteria gets to it. I advice he see a doctor.

  3. Prudentus

    Might I know when he started experiencing this.
    Does he use cotton buds?

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