Would you close them up, perform the wrong surgery, or call for another doctor?

If you opened up a patient and realized the diagnosis was wrong and the patient needs a different surgeon; would you close them up, perform the wrong surgery to avoid a lawsuit, or call for another doctor of that specialty?

would you close them up, perform the wrong surgery to avoid a lawsuit, or call for another doctor of that specialty?

This Post Has 8 Comments

    1. Support

      You won’t consider for one second what other doctors, the patient’s family or the patient itself will think when he wakes up and found out what happened in the operating room?
      You won’t consider your reputation?

      1. Taofiqah

        He is alive and recovering, that is the most important thing.

  1. Abdulsalam

    Practically,this case have happened before during a surgery when we went in for hernia but to our outmost surprise we saw that the intestine is twisted and some have cut,we have to rush out to call for the doctor that it is his speciality,and we thank God, everything went normal
    How did the first doctor, I mean the initial doctor that owns the case feel?
    First,he looks and feels uneasy
    And later he was glad that the other surgeon could come on time and most importantly the life of the patient was safed

  2. Lilian

    I will call another doctor as far as the doctor is not far fetched

  3. Unique

    I’ll have to call on another doctor of that specialty because i’ll feel guilty if anything should happen to the patient.
    Besides, the aim of my profession is to save lives not gamble with it.

  4. Mahmud Idris

    The best decision there is to call the attention of the specialist surgeon, there is no shame in doing the right thing and also it will be better to allow the specialist to do the surgery than to go ahead to do it yourself and end up losing the patient on the theatre table.

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